Rob Gabriele

As a business owner, you know the importance of protecting your team, your assets, and your inventory. You also know the best way to do that is to set up a high-quality alarm system for your business that will suit your needs, but doing so is often easier said than done.

With so many manufacturers on the market, it’s difficult to parse out exactly what equipment you’ll need from which provider. Do you need cameras? Do you need professional monitoring? What about real-time alerts? Do you need high tech solutions like AI-facial recognition, or will standard equipment do the trick?

Never fear, we’ve spent hours and hours researching alarm systems for commercial applications to help you get through the sales-y jargon and down to brass tacks. We’re going to talk functionality, not fluff, and help you understand if Ring is right for protecting your business.

Why Ring Alarm for Business?

As you might already know, Ring Alarm practically started the video doorbell craze, and from there they’ve grown into the most popular DIY security company on the planet. They offer plenty of options for folks looking to protect personal and commercial property, and they’re always innovating in that regard.

For instance, Ring recently released a Car Cam that can keep an eye on things while your delivery drivers or service techs are on the road. They’re $249.99 a piece, so outfitting a whole fleet of vehicles might be a little pricey, but it’s small potatoes when you consider how valuable the footage can be if you’re being sued by an accident victim.

But we digress. We’re talking about alarm systems for physical spaces. With that in mind…

Does Ring Alarm Have Business Specific Alarm Systems?

Ring doesn’t offer any alarm systems that are specifically designed for commercial use at the moment, but don’t let that fool you. Their equipment is robust enough to protect homes and storefronts (and warehouses, and junkyards, and restaurants, and retail shops…) alike.

One thing to keep in mind, though, is that since Ring is designed with DIYers in mind, you're going to have to build out your system from scratch. While the company does offer security packages, it’s not likely you’re going to find one that will provide you with the exact equipment you need to keep your business secure. Not to worry, though, Ring makes mixing and matching really easy.

And one last thing — Ring doesn’t professionally monitor for fire and carbon monoxide. That means that even if you have Ring smoke and CO detectors installed, you’ll need to self-monitor via the Ring companion app.

Ring Alarm Options for Business Owners

The Ring Alarm options for business owners are the same as they are for residential alarm systems. This is because Ring doesn't offer dedicated business alarm systems. However, Ring is a great option for business owners on a budget. This is because you don't have to pay an alarm company to install complicated wiring and alarm systems as you can easily install the Ring system and monitor it yourself using the companion mobile app. And if activity is detected, the Ring Alarm system will send an alert directly to your mobile device so you can respond accordingly.

The Ring equipment works well with other Ring devices and are perfect for protecting your business. They have the Ring security floodlights, spotlights, and environmental disaster protections for things like smoke, carbon monoxide, water (flood and freeze sensors), and more.

Ring also offers a variety of smart features that would be great for your business. Products such as smart deadbolts, electronic touchpad deadbolts, and more with Z-Wave capabilities.

Features and Benefits of a Ring Alarm for Businesses

Ring Alarm has so many options and features that it would be impossible to list them all here. So we will just mention those that would be most beneficial for business use.

There are several security systems available from Ring, ranging from the basic to the ultra secure. Let’s take a look at some of those now:

Ring Alarm Security Kit Breakdown

Ring Alarm System Kit Equipment Price
Five Piece Kit
  • Alarm Base Station
  • Keypad
  • Door/Window Contact Sensor
  • Motion Detector
  • Alarm Range Extender
Eight Piece Kit
  • Alarm Base Station
  • Keypad
  • Door/Window Contact Sensor (x4)
  • Motion Detector
  • Alarm Range Extender
Ten Piece Kit
  • Alarm Base Station
  • Keypad
  • Door/Window Contact Sensor (x5)
  • Motion Detector (x2)
  • Alarm Range Extender
Fourteen Piece Kit
  • Alarm Base Station
  • Keypad (x2)
  • Door/Window Contact Sensor (x8)
  • Motion Detector (x2)
  • Alarm Range Extender

Additionally, Ring offers a wide variety of add-on equipment as well, so you can easily buy extra components to fit your specific business needs. All you have to do from there is plug in your base station, connect the components, and control everything using the keypad and/or the Ring app. Then Ring will send you an alert when any of the sensors are triggered.

The Ring system also comes with a 24-hour battery backup to keep your business protected even if the power goes out. They also offer an optional cellular backup to keep your business covered if your system ever goes offline. And, all the Ring equipment comes with a one-year warranty.

Additionally, if you want to fully protect your business, you can add-on the environmental protection devices as well. You can purchase flood and freeze sensors for a relatively low cost of $34.99 each to protect your business from flooding and freezing pipes which will result in lowering your risk of downtime, insurance costs and repairs, as well as ruining any of your sensitive equipment and data. The same goes for the smoke and CO detectors that can also be purchased for $34.99 a piece.

Another great feature Ring has that would be an asset to any business is their panic button, and they cost $29.99. This feature while it won’t connect to a monitoring center, your employees can push the panic button in the event of an emergency to alert others to call for help or to vacate the building. Ring also has a dome siren that is armed with flashing LED lights and a 105-decibel speaker that will amplify your Ring Alarm’s siren.

And last but not least, if you have a business, you will probably need to install security cameras to protect your business, employees, customers, and to protect yourself from liability. Ring has several security camera options that come in the form of a Spotlight Cam and a Floodlight Cam, as well as a solar option if that interests you.

Overall, Ring offers solid equipment for businesses of all types. If you’re interested in protecting a storefront, a warehouse, a marina, or any other commercial property, odds are Ring has a solution for you.